Today, my mother and I went on our first girls day out, in which we watched a movie just by ourselves, ever, in the more than fifteen years that I have known her.
If you haven't guessed by the title of this blog, the movie we saw was Julie&Julia with Meryl Streep playing Julia child and Amy Adams playing Julie (whose last name is failing to come to my brain at the moment). I will not tell you the summary of the movie because you can easily look that up on google if you so choose.
My mom decided to take me to it because I've been encouraging her to do something for herself because she's been a bit depressed lately and she knew that I LOVE to bake and she has a great knack for cooking herself. So, you know, it made sense to see it because it was a story that we could both relate to. Let me tell you. The movie was AMAZING and i strongly encourage you to see it even if you don't cook or bake.
We've decided that we are going to do our own Julia Child cooking experiment, and are getting the book tomorrow. We won't make a deadline or try to cook every SINGLE thing as Julie did, but still, it should be fun.
Anyways, I got to thinking, and I'm not much different from Julie Lastname myself. I mean, I love to write. I have a blog, sure I hardly use it, but it's still here. And I absolutely love baking. I want to open a bakery when I get older. So what if I tried to do the same thing she did? Not to steal her glory or anything but just to do it for fun. Make something, majorly fail or have an epic win of home-made delight, and blog about the experience. It could be like a generational thing. And it could be great.
So, yes, no? I think even if you say no, I'll probably do it, even if I just write about it in the safety of my journal or windows folder.
Song of the day, taken from one of my new favorite movies: A Bushel and a Peck by Doris Day.
LISTEN TO IT. it will undoubtedly make you happy. You won't be able to resist a smile when you listen to it. Promise.
Until next time
p.s. Powell! That's what her last name was. Oh the beauty of google.