~my own pet: My little kitty Hazel

~my license AND my own car (which I will have to pay for when I actually want it to be my own
but still) so I can escape whenever I want to
~my very best friends that I have ever had and that I am positive I will stay in touch with even
when I'm in a wheel chair. People always say this and you think it can't be true but, seriously, I
know in my heart that it's true. They will be the Aunties of my kids:)
~my own family that isn't part of the neutral family I live with right now. This is core team.
Over the past couple of years, we have grown to know each other so well, and we are all such a
big part of each others' lives that we all consider each other family. I love them all.

~my very own room that I've designed the way I want it to be and it's pretty much completely
different and separate from the rest of the house
~and I might start a chap-stick business with my friend Marissa, inspired by the totally legit
chap-stick that my sister gave me for Christmas. We are looking for a really cool name to call it
so if you have any suggestions that you would like to share, I would be much obliged
~I am also in the process, along with the rest of the family, of convincing my friend Glenn to open
his own shop to sell shirts and sweatshirts and shtuff because he's one of the most amazing
artists. Like you wouldn't believe that most of the drawings he creates are actually by hand
and not by computer. If you saw them you'd understand.
~in the summer (which I know is a few months away but still) I am absolutely determined to get
a job and will therefore have a source of income to actually do the things I want to do right now
and even save up for stuff for the future.
~as afore mentioned in a previous blog, I've talked with my old Youth Minister, Tim, and he's
decided that he's been called to begin, in his words, a "revolution" to reach out to everyone in
the world and he's asked me, along with the rest of the family, and anyone else who feels
inspired, to help him. Again: tienen suggestions? If so, they would be very appreciated.

I think I'm in the process of creating my own independent world and it excites me.
*pictures will be added to this blog as soon as possible.