...and if i don't...just please help me make sure I do. Much obliged.
start sewing. I'm planning on starting with some cute aprons because I already have the material, and then I'm going to make a pair of floury shorts for my friend Kelly and I.
start a chapstick line with my friend Marissa in order to get money for....shopping. Yeah. we're gonna be the next teen business starters you see on Chanel One. Lord.
start my garden in the back yard that I already have planned out in my head
FINISH my room. It's gonna be perfect.
start dressing in the way the styles and outfits that I've already created in my head
side note: gosh I have all these plans in my head! If only they would turn into a reality.
start legit photography... ask my uncle where I can acquire a nice camera for cheap
bike ride
expand my baking to cooking so that people will actually eat my stuff without worrying about silly calories and shtuff
llllllllllllllllllllll. that was Hazel's (my new kitty) doing. love her to pieces
make a bunch of hair pieces
get overalls, decorate my straw hat, learn how to embroider, embroider gloves... then use all of this to garden in my garden
take a pottery class
start being more creative. As always, I want to be more creative!
stop being lazy and go to the park and have fun
get my license
get a gym membership...and then actually use it...more than once.
become more patient with certain people
find a place that I can drive to that's secret, all mine. an escape.
this list will be continued as I think of more things
I love you, and a very Merry New Year to all. I can't believe we're entering a new decade!
Hi I'm Lili. I love to bake (food just i case anyone had a question mark there) , read, write, drink tea and coffee listen to music...my ultimate goal in life is to FLY.