- start sewing. I'm planning on starting with some cute aprons because I already have the material, and then I'm going to make a pair of floury shorts for my friend Kelly and I.
- start a chapstick line with my friend Marissa in order to get money for....shopping. Yeah. we're gonna be the next teen business starters you see on Chanel One. Lord.
- start my garden in the back yard that I already have planned out in my head
- FINISH my room. It's gonna be perfect.
- start dressing in the way the styles and outfits that I've already created in my head
- start legit photography... ask my uncle where I can acquire a nice camera for cheap
- bike ride
- expand my baking to cooking so that people will actually eat my stuff without worrying about silly calories and shtuff
- llllllllllllllllllllll. that was Hazel's (my new kitty) doing. love her to pieces
- make a bunch of hair pieces
- get overalls, decorate my straw hat, learn how to embroider, embroider gloves... then use all of this to garden in my garden
- take a pottery class
- start being more creative. As always, I want to be more creative!
- stop being lazy and go to the park and have fun
- get my license
- get a gym membership...and then actually use it...more than once.
- become more patient with certain people
- find a place that I can drive to that's secret, all mine. an escape.
this list will be continued as I think of more things
I love you, and a very Merry New Year to all.
I can't believe we're entering a new decade!

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