Wednesday, October 21, 2009


In my many moments of procrastination, such as my writing at this very second, I like to think that I am really using my time wisely by sifting through the world wide web. In my long and arduous traveling of the Internet I search for things that inspire thought and wonder and creativity and action.
One result of my searches appears in one of my very first blog posts: the slam poetry performance by Anis Mosjani.
Here's another site that I have found courtesy of my fellow procrastinator, Kelsie Fierce.

one of my favorite pictures from the cite is:

the caption under was:

“Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think.”

—Niels Bohr

About Me

My photo
California, United States
Hi I'm Lili. I love to bake (food just i case anyone had a question mark there) , read, write, drink tea and coffee listen to ultimate goal in life is to FLY.